‘Spilled Wine’ weigela

Story by Andrea Dee

Spilled Wine weigela pours color and character into the landscape. Its magnificent magenta flowers carpet dark purple black wavy foliage from late spring into summer. The foliage holds its vivid color through summer into fall, contrasting nicely with companion chartreuse- and dark-green-leafed shrubs. Similar to other weigelas, hummingbirds flock to its tubular flowers, maximizing its appeal in the garden. 

Spilled Wine weigela flowing beautifully through the landscape.

Spilled Wine weigela is naturally short, less than 2 feet tall, spreading up to 3 feet wide. Making it a unique choice next to sidewalks, for edging beds, and under windows. It also provides a beautiful flowing effect in rock gardens and hillside designs. 

Quick Facts and Keys to Success
Common Name: Spilled Wine weigela
Botanical Name: Weigela florida ‘Bokraspiwi’
USDA Hardiness Zone(s): 4-8
Color: Magenta pink blooms against dark purple foliage 
Type: Low-growing shrub with a spreading habit
Mature Size: 1-2 feet height, 2-3 feet spread
Exposure: Full sun 
When to Plant: Spring or fall
How to Plant: Dig planting hole at least twice as wide as root ball. Plant only as deep as root ball.
Soil: Very adaptable, prefers well-drained soils.
Watering: Once established, seldom needs water. May require supplemental water during dry, droughty summers.
When to Prune: Prune immediately after flowering.
When to Fertilize: Apply slow-release fertilizer in the fall.
In Your Landscape: A low sprawling shrub that colors the landscape, blooming bright pink against a backdrop of rich purple-black foliage.

Photos courtesy of Proven Winners –

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